Coaches Care
Executive Coaching Summit
Bringing Global Coaches Together for Hope & Healing
MAY 6, 2020

Keynote Speaker
Bringing Global Coaches Together for Hope & Healing

Registration Closed
Join us next Year!
Join 1,000+ Coaches Who Care From Around The World
Join thousands of other #CoachesWhoCare from across the globe as we go on a journey of healing, re-discovering hope, and finding new ways to use our coaching superpowers to impact the world.
Through open coach dialogues and hearing from 8 of the most world-renowned Executive Coaches, we’ll hear real stories of how coaching can help clients move forward and make progress during this unprecedented time period. This is the coaching community support you’ve been seeking!
Throughout this inspirational event, you’ll be motivated to dig deep within yourself and discover an even greater capacity of giving to support others during this time of crisis.
Our audacious goal: raising $1M USD worth of donations!
Alone, we can do so something. Together, we can do so much more.
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is the only two-time Thinkers 50 #1 Leadership Thinker in the World. He is the first Global Gurus Corps d’Elite winner and has been recognized as the #1 Executive Coach for eight consecutive years. He is also the inaugural winner of the Lifetime Leadership Award from the Institute for Coaching (Harvard Medical School).
Marshall is the Founder of 100 Coaches – an amazing group of professionals who want to share all that they know and give back to the world.

Dorothy E. Siminovitch, PhD, MCC, Master Certified Coach, is founder and president of Gestalt Coaching Works, LLC, and an international coach, consultant, group facilitator, presenter, speaker and author.

Marcia Reynolds, Psy,D., MCC, is the president of Covisioning LLC and an expert in emotions in the workplace, uses transformational coaching to make every conversation a difference-making moment.

Jennifer has developed The Growth Edge Coaching approach and uses it to support clients and she teaches coaches around the world transformational and developmental coaching approaches.

Len Rothman, MBA, PCC is a deeply experienced leadership and transformational coach for C-suite executives with over 20 years of senior leadership experience in both corporate and non-profit organizations.

Beverlee Rasmussen, CEC, PCC is the Founder of Systems Business Coach®. Her passion for helping small business owners (long before Covid), inspired the development of a fully coach approach model for small business owners success.

Dr. Elena Espinal (Ph.D.) is a Master Certified Coach (MCC), and has twenty nine years of experience in leadership development, training and coaching, future design, strategic planning, and team building services.

Lisa Christen is the CEO of Christen Coaching & Consulting GmbH. She is an Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant who specializes in developing 21st century leaders, teams, and cultures. She is an Official Member of the Forbes Coaches Council.

Jessica Anne O’Brien, PC, ACC “Sometimes change is driven by desire. Other times, it is thrust on us by circumstances seemingly beyond our control”. Hear Jessica’s inspiring story and ongoing commitment to serve others through coaching.
MAY 6, 2020

10:00am PST
1:00pm EST
5:00pm GMT
Creating Community
Connect with your fellow #CoachesWhoCare from across the globe!
Join your host Lisa Christen as she interviews Coaches Who Care Summit founder Joseph Veneziano about his inspiration and aspirations for us all. Hear the amazing and inspirational story of life and death as experienced by Fundraising Chair Jessica O’Brien.
Start exploring how you can begin your personal healing journey so we as coaches can go out and help heal the world – together.

10:30am PST
1:30pm EST
5:30pm GMT
Dr. Dorothy Siminovitch
Dorothy has invited Mr. Taleh Kazimov, CEO of Pasha Bank , to speak about leading in the time of Covid-19.
In this powerful session, Mr. Kazimov will share his thoughts of what executive coaching can offer leaders who are managing the VUCA world and the courage it takes to lead “from the inside out”. Mr. Kazimov will speak of strategies that inspire the creativity needed to meet current challenges.

11:00am PST
2:00pm EST
6:00pm GMT
Dr. Marcia Reynolds
Dr. Marcia Reynolds will present strategies for coaching clients through times of intense uncertainty. She will be joined by a client who will share how in just one session, she was able to find a clear path forward that she feels passionate about in spite of world events.
The session promises to be inspiring as well as helpful.

11:30am PST
2:30pm EST
6:30pm GMT
Dr. Jennifer Garvey Berger
The imperative now is for all of us—but especially leaders—to get better able to handle the massive complexity, ambiguity, and change in the world.
Jennifer has invited Joel Monk, one of the founders of Coaches Rising, have a conversation about their collective work supporting coaches around the world. They unpack the urgency of this developmental shift, discuss what makes it so hard, and offer the most powerful questions they’ve found to grow ourselves as coaches and to support the growth of the leaders with whom we work.
Prepare for a nourishing and invigorating exploration—like life, really.

12:00pm PST
3:00pm EST
7:00pm GMT
If you have already pledged, thank you!! If not, now is a great time to consider what your contribution could be. Share your thoughts on our pledge page.

12:10pm PST
3:10pm EST
7:10pm GMT
Len Rothman
Len will be introducing his corporate leadership client who is both recovering from Covid-19 and is learning how to lead in this new reality.
Jenny Taylor, Vice President of Career Services, Goodwill of North Georgia is keeping the doors open, keeping her staff employed, putting people to work and thriving through Covid-19.
Goodwill is being positioned for an elevated level of leadership when it exits from the current state of business and gets back to full operation.

12:30pm PST
3:30pm EST
7:30pm GMT
Beverlee Rasmussen
It took a pandemic for the world to notice how important small business owners are to everything we do in our daily lives. They face huge challenges at the best of times and are the ones that keep the global economy going.
Small Business Owners are our unsung hero’s!
In this session, Beverlee will introduce you to 2 of her clients, both small business owners, who will share with you how they are coping with the Covid-19 challenges while at the same time giving back to their communities.

12:50pm PST
3:50pm EST
7:50pm GMT
Dr. Elena Espinal
Elena Espinal will introduce her client, Lilia Hernandez VP of Human Resources of Aleática, an international company headquartered in Spain.
Elena will share how she has interpreted the time of crisis, not as the crisis describing something that happens outside, but the crisis that confronts us as humans in the face of the change in the rules of the game.
Her client will share how from coaching, she has taken charge of the different concerns of the people of the company and implemented a program to be close to the employees and help them to learn coordination virtually.

1:20pm PST
4:20pm EST
8:20pm GMT
Now is a great time to share with this community what you can do or have done to support others during this difficult time.

1:30pm PST
4:30pm EST
8:30pm GMT
Marshall Goldsmith
In this interactive session, Marshall will begin with a discussion of coaching and leading in a time of crisis. He will illustrate how individuals can maintain focus in the face of seemingly endless distraction – and how leaders can help keep their team members aligned.
‘Pragmatic optimism’ is a handy philosophy for today’s world. Next Dr. Goldsmith will share tools that coaches can use to work with clients in the virtual world. After sharing the philosophy behind 100 Coaches, Marshall will answer as many questions as he can from participants.
How to pledge:

Click Below
Every coach we talk to is doing something to help others during this global pandemic. Share with a pledge what you have done, are doing and/or will do to contribute to healing the world.

Fill Out Your Details
Offering free coaching to front line workers? Donating to your local food bank? Tutoring kids online? Giving away your courses? Lending a hand to those more vulnerable? Share your story and value. No need to send us money, inspire others by sharing the details fo your gifts.

Spread the Word!
Share this page with every coach you know. Being together is a great way to celebrate International Coaching Week 2020. Together not Alone! Click one of the links below or share
Ready to join us?
MAY 6, 2020
- Fantastic Speakers
- Support COVID-19 Frontline
- Network with Coaches
- Help the Community
- Have Fun!